2020; The year that keeps on giving. Most recently, it gave Slow Dragon Music a catastrophic website failure, which was a delight only suitable to this current solar cycle! The dragon is a patient creature, though, and now, slowly, re-emerges from this unexpected torpor…
The site basics are still the same. We’ll still be running reviews, interviews, event updates, and other news as before. However, plans are afoot for new features, so keep checking in to see what we’ve been up to! We are currently looking at leaving comments open, but only to those who are committed enough to sign up; no guest spam! We’ll also have a mailing list service up and running soon, and are considering more interactive features.
It’s always good to step back from something bad, a hurdle, or an obstacle, and see what good can come from it. In this case, we have already learned a lot about running a website, and now have the opportunity to re-write its function a little, without losing the character it has built up over the years. Negatives translate into positives, if you put your mind to it!
It’s going to take us a while to repopulate with content here, but bear with us as we pull it all back together. We’ll be looking to get you all more involved, and bring you more of all things loud and heavy!