Hordes X 2024: Transport
Hordes X 2024 is racing up faster than we can believe! With a bigger event than ever before, we thought we’d try and make things easier for you, by dropping some travel pointers…
Getting there:
Some of you may live or plan to stay in Dundee. For those traveling to and fro each day, below are some details of last public transport services. Unless otherwise stated, these are listed the same for each day.
Train: Probably the least reliable, over-priced, and with some poor scheduling, but a comfortable option when possible. Connecting routes to most places exist at some point during the day.
Perth – 23:49 (22:01 on Saturday – Don’t ask, we have no idea why. 23:48 on Sunday)
Glasgow – 22:01 (No viable Sunday service)
Edinburgh – 22:50 (22:49 on Saturday)
Aberdeen – 23:08 (23:12 on Sunday)
Dunfermline/Kirkcaldy – 22:31 (No viable Sunday service)
Find more information here: https://www.scotrail.co.uk/
Megabus: Least comfortable, and fewer destinations, but runs later and more reliably than trains. Mostly the cheapest fares.
Perth – 23:45
Glasgow – 23:45
Edinburgh – 22:45
Aberdeen – 23:50
Find more information here: https://uk.megabus.com/
Ember: Electronic buses, with comfy seats, charger ports, runs later than the Megabus or the train. Very reasonable prices for the service, almost the lowest.
Perth – 00:05, 02:05 Thu/Fri || 00:10, 02:10 Sat/Sun
Glasgow – 00:05, 02:05 Thu/Fri || 00:10, 02:10 Sat/Sun
Edinburgh = 23:00, 00:40, 02:40
Find more information here: https://www.ember.to/
Of course, before you plan all that, you better make sure you’ve got your tickets! Click the bar below for full weekend tickets and Friday or Saturday day passes.
Current lineup:
Millions Will Die
Demolizer (DK – Scottish exclusive)
Melted Messiah
Ante-Inferno (Scottish exclusive)
The Infernal Sea (Scottish exclusive)
The Zealous Chieftans (Dundee debut)
Tiberius (Dundee debut)
The Machinist (Scottish exclusive)
Crossfire (IE – Scottish exclusive)
Opensight (Scottish exclusive)
Brainbath (Dundee debut)
Solar Sons
Thulcandra (DE – Scottish exclusive)
Acidsaurus Bong
Kurnel Fist
+More TBA
Hordes X 2024: Transport